Value & Benefits
Improved Communication between Management and Employees
Better Decisions - Management to know the current company culture, take the right action faster
Employees to be better informed about daily team situation
Employees get encouraged to share ideas, opinions, feel valued
Improved Company Culture overall
Less work-related stress, reduced employee turn-over
Team stability, commitment and work happiness
Supports transition to an open, innovative organization that listens to their employees from bottom to top
Deep insights into individual and team opinions, better understanding of work related issues
Save time on costly performance review meetings that do not provide satisfactory outcomes
Good understanding of individual employment history and development potential
Will complement any standard HR application
Who needs Phoebe©?
- Companies with international employees/intercultural work environments
- Companies who care about employees’ opinions and ideas
- Companies with diverse, cross-cultural business activities
- Companies who like to improve their communication culture
- CEOs with regional responsibilities who frequently travel and need feedback across borders
- Employees who usually stay silent and hesitate to share their feedback directly
- HR Managers who need fast responses from the team and an easy tool to administer leaves